Thinking About Stronger Faith

9 Top Tips for Accomplishing Anything


9 Top Tips for Accomplishing Anything

Accomplish Anything

First, I want to point out that I didn't say accomplish "everything". How much of what you complete on your list depends on the amount and difficulty of the tasks you want to accomplish.

Second, if you practice the steps I outlined in an earlier post on goal setting, "everything" will be just out of reach perpetually because you'll always be adding to your list.

Read: 7 Ways to Accomplish Your Goals

To accomplish anything in life, your recipe for success will need some key ingredients. This blog continues to focus on anything that will aid you in living your best life. Its posts are filled with tips, keys, and ways to help you succeed.

Since everyone's definition of the best life is personal, you may face different obstacles. Your recipe may require more of one ingredient and less of another. However, these tips will help you reach your coveted outcome with more consistency.

A sense of accomplishment is integral to living life to its fullest. The feeling of pride we get when tasks are completed, and challenges overcome, reinforces our sense of purpose. Those feelings benefit our physical and mental well-being.

9 Top Tips for Accomplishing Anything

1. YOU must want it.

*Your best life comes from the progress you make in completing worthwhile tasks or mastering a new skill that you desire. Fulfilling someone else's desires will result in their best life, not yours.

*There are things you will achieve that will be dictated externally, a good report card, a met work deadline, or passing a driving test. Your accomplishments will be driven by an internal desire to improve.

"Great accomplishments start with great aspirations." 

-Gary Hamel

"Heat is required to forge anything. Every great accomplishment is the story of a flaming heart." 

-Mary Lou Retton

2. Add it to your goals

*What you want to accomplish can only be considered a dream until you put it in writing. Writing it down and including it in your goal-planning steps will attach substance and allow you to monitor headway.

*SMART goals will allow you to avoid distractions and stay on course. The goals will require action, and taking daily action will be necessary to accomplish what you say you want.

"Your ability to set goals and to make plans for their accomplishment is the master skill of success." 

-Brian Tracy

3. Anticipate Roadblocks

*The more you want to accomplish, the bigger the obstacles. People who expect smooth sailing are left stranded and discouraged when high winds and rough seas arise.

*Realize that everyone who has accomplished anything of significance has endured headwinds and ridicule. Enjoy knowing you're in good company.

4. Maintain Motivation

*Studies show that over 80% of New Year's resolutions are dropped by mid-February and another 10 % get discarded by the end of that month. They lose sight of their "why". That's why you wanted it to be what "you" wanted. Refer to your "why" whenever you get discouraged.

*Staying motivated will help you break through the roadblocks and continue when your "want" hits a snag.

5. Recruit if required

*Reach out for help when needed. Pride is not a reason to keep you from accomplishing your dreams. 

*Welcome advice from mentors and people who have journeyed before you. Then pay it forward when you get the opportunity.

"It's amazing what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit." 

-Harry S. Truman

6. Stay confident

*Self-doubt derails many plans. Don't let negative self-talk steal your drive. You are capable of so much. Believe in yourself.

Read: 10 Ways to Build Your Self-Esteem

*Believe in the outcome. Everything seems impossible until somebody does it. Turn your impossible into reality.

"Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment." 

-Thomas Carlyle

7. Track progress

*Knowing where you are at in your journey will allow you to re-direct your efforts and adjust your actions as necessary. It's better to make small course corrections along the way instead of a complete about-face at the end when you find you've missed your mark.

*Be honest with yourself. If you are not doing what's necessary daily to get your results, judge your actions and not yourself, and get back on track.

"Every big accomplishment is a series of little accomplishments." 

-David Joseph Schwartz

8. Delay final gratification

*Have fun along the way and celebrate small wins. 

*Keep the big reward in the distance, next to the target, and use it to fuel your drive.

9. Persevere

*There are going to be times when you look at what needs to be done and you just don't feel like it. That will happen, especially with larger goals. I have been there many times. You can take a short break, but make sure it's not long enough to kill your momentum.

*The more you procrastinate, the easier it is for your mind to accept not doing what's needed, requiring an increasing amount of energy to restart. Stay the course. Don't quit. Your victory is just ahead.


10? Pray

*I put a question mark because my faith puts this as number one. It starts my journey with calm and confidence before my first step is taken.

Read: 6 Ways to a Better Prayer Life

*Praying and confirming that what I want to accomplish fits into God's plan and my life's purpose fortifies my resolve when the going gets tough. Praying along the way allows me to get support from the One who sees the end before I do.

Mission Accomplished

As you accomplish each task you will gain a level of confidence and experience you never thought possible. Use that energy to continue your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

Final Thoughts on Accomplishing Anything

Every day people accomplish wonderful things that were once only wishes and dreams. Their lives become better and that makes the world around them better.

You are filled with untapped potential. You have much to give and much to achieve that only you can. Choose to make each day count. Every 24 hours will pass, never to be seen again, so use them to build something special for yourself and the people you love.

I have had many accomplishments delayed because I waited for the right time or the right resources. I've learned that the only limitations are the ones I place on myself. 

You are as equal to any task as I am.

To be human is to seek a sense of accomplishment. To not search for more creates a hole in our being because of choosing a mundane life.

Choose to live a life of purpose. Today's tips are a great starting point and starting is the main ingredient.

Now go live your best life,

