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18 Ways to Be Happier


18 Ways to Be Happier


The pursuit of happiness is universal within humanity. Its quest rivals that of the greatest treasure hunts and finding it seems just as daunting a task on occasion. Why do people seem so miserable if happiness is so widely sought after? 

Happiness is defined as "the state of being happy" but how do we get to that state? That much-envied state of contentment, satisfaction, joy, cheerfulness, and pleasure that seems readily available to some, but out of reach of so many others.

Happiness, like other things in our lives, can be taken for granted until they are absent from our lives. Life provides a smorgasbord of emotions, and we can't always be happy. But who wouldn't want to be happier more often than they are sad?

Happiness, Lost and Found

If you've lost your hold on happiness, the great news is you can find it again. Happiness can be reclaimed from past experiences and enjoyed anew, or you can seek out brand-new endeavors to experience fresh joy.

You will experience sorrow and pain. Life is unforgiving. The rough patches can pile up if you let them. You should seek out more moments of happiness, turning bad days into good days. If you choose to abandon your search for happiness, the bad days can easily pile up, making the likelihood of regaining contentment less likely.

Fantastic news! Happiness, like most of our emotions, can be managed. Happiness is a habit we can all cultivate. We can each do things that will throw out the welcome mat for happiness, giving us one more method to utilize to live our best lives.

I am a huge fan of happiness. Beyond the feeling of merriment being one that I would welcome any day, there are other benefits:

  • Promotes a healthy lifestyle
  • Helps combat stress
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Protects your heart
  • Reduces pain
  • Improves heart health and lower risk of heart disease
  • Enhances productivity
  • Promotes better health behaviors
  • Increases life longevity


I have put together a list of ways you can promote happiness in your life. I do this knowing that everyone's definition of happiness can vary. What makes you happy might not make me happy. 

I also don't want to ignore mental health issues and the ability they hold to block some people's chances to reach certain plateaus of happiness on their own. I am an advocate for reaching out and getting professional help when needed.

Happiness is not out of reach. Here are some ways to allow happiness to flourish in your life.

18 Ways to Be Happier

1. Choose to be Happy

*Our response to anything that happens in our lives is a choice. We can choose to be happy, angry, resentful, hurt, and more. Our gift as humans is that we get to determine our reactions.

*Your decision to choose to be happy daily is the most valuable piece of the puzzle. It is that simple.

2. Decide what makes you happy

*Remember that what makes me happy won't necessarily make you happy. It is fruitless to pursue something when you don't know what that something is.

*Make a list of the things that bring you joy. Regularly incorporate those things into your routine.

3. Get Moving

*Exercise. Our human bodies are designed for motion. It's amazing how many benefits both our minds and bodies gain from simply getting off the sofa.

*Start where you are. Some people view exercise as a chore, akin to taking out the trash or shoveling snow. That's why I said get moving. A walk around the block, yoga, a hike; it all has benefits, just get moving. Sunlight and nature provide bountiful benefits.

4. Feed Happiness

*Eat well. People underestimate the connection between our minds and our bodies all the time. When what we consume leaves us stuffed and lethargic, it's difficult to carry on any pursuit.

*Indulge in moderation. Stuffed does not equal happy. Make sure food does not become therapy, resulting in a method that provides no long-term solution.

5. Sweet Dreams

*Sleep well. Another piece of the mind and body being coordinated. Proper rest allows rejuvenation and provides energy to tackle life's challenges.

*Dream. It allows your mind to recharge, process emotions, and safely store memories.

6. Accentuate the Positive - Eliminate the Negative

*Choose to pick the positive in situations. Look for lessons to be learned and growth opportunities. Watch positive programming and listen to uplifting, happy music.

Here are 3 picks to get you started:

*Reduce contact with social media, sad news, and unhappy people in your life. Eliminate the negative parts of your life so you can be more balanced and effective. You don't want to ignore the outside world, but you do want balance in what you absorb.

7. Hang with Happy People

*Relationships don't cultivate on their own. Make a purposeful decision to be with family members and friends that are joyful and supportive.

*Schedule time on purpose to keep those connections strong. Foster opportunities to create happy memories and share unique experiences. 

8. Be Mindful

*Live in the now. It's easy to miss chances to enjoy the moment by looking past them while we seek future cheeriness.

*Keep it simple. Learn to enjoy a sunrise, a fresh cup of coffee, or the breathing of a loved one lying next to you.

9. Be Grateful

*It is easy to look past all the wonderful things we enjoy in our lives because of our desire for more. Learn not to take your blessings for granted.

*Practice gratitude as a way of life. You will be surprised to see what you could be thankful for if you just take a moment to reflect.

Read: 80 Things to Be Grateful For

10. Be Kind

*Being kind and giving are two things that a person can do that provide happiness to both the giver and the receiver.

*Random acts of kindness release chemicals in our brains that reduce anxiety, stress, and depression levels ultimately increasing your happiness.

Read: Being Kind to Others

11. Choose You

*Prioritize "you" time. Avoid being a people pleaser. Be willing to say no when you know a yes won't make you happy.

*Read an enjoyable book, watch a great movie, or choose a new hobby that you will enjoy. Happiness is contagious. Be happy and you can encourage other's happiness.

12. Create Balance

*Be willing to turn off work and relish personal time. This will improve both parts of your life and promote long-term happiness.

*Avoid burnout and maintain the energy to be happy by creating and maintaining boundaries. It will be hard in the beginning but life-changing overall.

13. Have Faith

*Lean into your belief system. People of faith find happiness in knowing they are never alone, and they don't have to be perfect.

*Faith eliminates fear which plows a clear path to happiness.

Read: 7 Reasons to Choose Faith Over Fear

14. Be Accountable

*Face your fabulous flaws. There is not one perfect among us. Be blunt with yourself about times you don't choose to be happy. Own your imperfections and find happiness in the wonderful you.

*Acknowledge unhappy moments. Learn from them so you can better choose happiness next time a comparable situation develops.

15. Choose Life

*Avoid isolation. Being alone can be valuable time, but feelings of loneliness shouldn't be entertained for extended periods. Seek new relationships and challenges.

*Continually look for new ways to expand your mindset and develop new life skills

16. Have Purpose

*Regularly set goals and put systems in place to achieve them.

*Know what's important to you. Find your purpose in life and pursue it. Living a purposeful life is a solid foundation for living a happy life.

Read: 4 Tips For Finding Your Purpose in Life

17. Be Positive

*Share the joy in your life. Smiles produce smiles. Laughter produces laughter. When you share a smile with someone, you make both your days.

*Practice positive-self talk and ongoing self-care. When you feel positive about yourself, you believe in your right to be happy.

18. Stop Trying so Hard

*Every day won't be overflowing with joy and laughter. Don't beat yourself up when you encounter tough days. Be resilient and know that the next sunrise can welcome a brand-new pleasure.

*Follow your heart without dwelling on the judgment of others. Find joy where you are and don't apologize for what makes you happy.

They Can't Make You Happy

If you are unhappy with your life or with others, guess who is responsible? Great guess, you are. When listing all the obstacles to happiness, you are number one. Nobody can force you to be happy, and nothing anyone does or says can make you unhappy unless you allow it to.

Final Thoughts on Happiness

Do not let things that make you unhappy hang around and clutter up your life. Life is too short to be burdened by the weight of people or items that drain the life out of you. 

You WILL have sad days. If you didn't, then happy days would be just another day. The valleys always help you to appreciate the mountain tops.

Using the ways listed above can make an incredible amount of difference in the number of good days versus bad days that you encounter. You must make the personal decision to create new habits every day that improve your life.

You don't have to start every step today. Like most things that create improvement, you can make minor adjustments to the things you do, which add up to huge advances in making you a much happier person.

Don't worry, be happy.

Now go live your best life!

