Thinking About Parenting

4 Ways To Give Your Self-Confidence A Boost


credit - Nataliya Vaitkevich - Pexels

4 Ways To Give Your Self-Confidence A Boost


According to Wikipedia, "Self-confidence is trust in oneself, one's personal judgment, ability, power, etc."

I look at self-confidence as a belief in your abilities in an area even when others don't share the same belief in your power. 

Confidence is a feeling that "I've got this", as you conclude that you are more than capable of completing the tasks before you.

"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." 

-Edmund Hillary

When you fully believe that you can accomplish the things you most hope to do in the future, that is self-confidence. Self-doubt is the polar opposite of that confidence where you believe you lack the skill, strength, or intelligence to get something done.

Confidence is important

Those with strong self-confidence incur some very desired benefits in their lives such as:

  • Accomplishing goals
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Strong personal relationships
  • Better grades
  • Enhanced physical and mental health
  • Desirable work accolades and rewards
  • Healthier communication skills
  • Superior decision making

It is important to operate this life with the most self-confidence you can muster if you desire to live your best life (which is the foundation for everything written in these posts). 

Doubters are plentiful

But that's not always easy. There will always be circumstances and people that want to rob you of your confidence. Someone will step up to remind you of all the reasons it can't be done, or even worse, it can be done, but surely not by you.

That means that you must be ready. You must boost your self-confidence and embody that "I can do it" feeling so you can withstand the assaults that will inevitably come your way. 

You must arm yourself with the tools to withstand the naysayers and doubters. The truth is they don't have your best interests in mind. They either want to encourage your failure so that they can succeed in your place, or they don't "think" you can because they "know" they can't.

Choose You

Life is so hard. I've said it before, and I am repeating it here because it's the truth. Anyone that tells you the road is always easy is lying, plain and simple. 

Don't add to the hardship by letting people that don't matter influence your belief system. When it comes to following them with their doubts, or you with your beliefs, choose you.

If you struggle with self-confidence, or you've had well-meaning friends and family chip away at your supply, stay strong. I have put together some ways to regain your confidence and keep it strong going forward.

"Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her." 

-Lao Tzu

I look at confidence as a core belief impacted by DNA, environment, and choice. Although they all play a part, the most significant factor is the choices we make. We can make decisions to improve our self-confidence far beyond any influence the other two catalysts provide.

4 Ways To Give Your Self-Confidence A Boost

1. Take a confidence inventory

What abilities do you consider to be strengths? Write them down. Be thankful for what you do well. For example, some of my strengths are my organizational skills, the means to empathize with and serve others, the ability to absorb and retain knowledge, the talent to write down thoughts clearly, and my faith. 

What abilities do you consider to be opportunities? Write them down too. Be aware that everyone has something they can be better at. For example, I can't draw a straight line with a ruler, and I still get way too mad at people's driving skills (or lack of) when I'm on the road.

We are not to be all things. We are wonderfully made with unique gifts to share. This inventory will help you be grateful for what you can contribute and appreciate the talents of others.

From my list, I am blessed to write this blog and share ways that all of us can live our best lives.

I can also appreciate things like the painting that Barb did that hangs on the wall beside my desk because I'm still working on drawing that straight line.

Barb's Painting (that I love)

What is your go-to skill? Start building your confidence foundation up from there.

2. Take a thought inventory

Do you suffer from what Zig Ziglar used to call, "stinkin' thinkin'" and you constantly talk bad about and to yourself? 

"If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured the world will not raise your price." 

-Jean Sibelius

Self-talk is an important part of self-confidence. Whatever you believe manifests itself in action. It is important to guard your mind. Talk to yourself and about yourself the way you would your most cherished loved ones. Start each day with positive words about who you are and what you can do.

Saying positive affirmations each day is like paying insurance premiums for future encounters. They'll pay off when your confidence needs to file a claim.

Make sure your thoughts about yourself don't stem from comparisons to others. You need to be the best version of yourself, not someone else. It's easy to forget that today when we are bombarded on all sides by social media sharing everyone else's "perfect" life.

Don't believe the digital lie. You are better served by following social media feeds and podcasts of real people with real problems that they help share solutions to.

"Self-confidence isn't walking into a room and thinking you're better than everyone, it's walking in and not having to compare yourself to anyone at all." 

-JJ Watt

I hope that's why you enjoy this blog site. Not perfect here, just learning and growing and sharing what I've learned with you.

3. Take a love inventory

Love yourself enough to be true to yourself. Honor your beliefs, values, passions, and faith. 

You are a one-of-a-kind creation. Embrace who you are and practice self-love even on the worst days. Practice acceptance and forgiveness when you fall short. That's where growth comes from.

Self-confidence allows you to do the right thing, even in the face of adversity. Because you love yourself as you are, you can admit mistakes and embrace imperfections. 

When you love yourself fully, then you can easily love others despite their quirks and habits. That self-confidence creates a purer love bond because it's unconditional and remembers how far you've come versus focusing on how far is left to go.

"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance." 

-Bruce Barton

As your love for your mind and body grow, you will take better care of both, and that becomes one more way you feel more confident in yourself.

You must surround yourself with people that love you and accept you as you are. People that love you will still want you to be your best while accepting your blemishes. They will encourage you to step out and pursue opportunities to grow and live your best life.

We can criticize ourselves better than anyone because we know everything there is to know and can pinpoint every flaw. Keeping an inventory of what you love about yourself will help you fight those critiques.

4. Take an action inventory

Set meaningful goals and work to accomplish them. Achieving goals and reaching milestones are great ways to increase your confidence. Keep track of those wins and remember them next time self-doubt encroaches on your mind.

Take risks. Do something brave or outside your comfort zone whenever you can. Those wins will add to your confidence and make future steps of faith easier. Celebrate and track those wins as well for future boosts to your confidence.

Do you act confidently?

Is your posture straight? Do you smile often? Do you look people in the eye? Do you tell the truth (do what you say you'll do, be where you say you'll be)?  Do you prepare when undergoing a task or project for the first time?

"One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation." 

-Arthur Ashe

Continue to learn and grow. We are all new at something sometimes. Don't let that keep you from attempting the unknown. One of the best ways to boost your confidence is by gaining a new skill or trying a new experience.

Don't let the fear of failure or embarrassment sideline you. You are not perfect. I am not perfect. Your abilities will grow with practice, and if they don't, move on to the next new challenge, gaining new confidence in your label of a risk taker.

Choose to be strong and confident. Courageous people are not those that have no fear, they are the ones that act in the face of their fears. Realize that you are you, and you are more than enough.

Last thoughts on confidence

Confidence can be built if you are willing to put in the work. Think positive thoughts. Don't compare yourself to others. Embrace the mindset that you are no better or worse than anyone else, simply different. Set goals and celebrate achievements. Believe in your ability to grow and learn new things.

Tackle fear and failure head one. Look at fear as an opportunity to overcome doubts and insecurities. Look at failure as just a way to obtain progress through learning.

Believe in you. You were created with a purpose. (Read: 4 Tips For Finding Your Purpose). Stop caring what others think. Who cares what they think? You must think the right things about yourself.


You can't buy it. 

You must build it.

Start building yours today!

"So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!" 

-Hebrews 10:35 NLT
