Thinking About Parenting

4 Tips For Remaining True To Yourself


Tips For Remaining True To Yourself

Being True To Who You Are

What does it me to be true to yourself?

You know you are being true to yourself when harmony between your actions, thoughts, and value/belief system exists. You are most loyal to who you truly are when those actions, thoughts, values, and beliefs are maintained even when those around you are different.

It means that you remain honest about how you feel and what you genuinely believe in. It means you stand up for what you believe in. You choose daily to live in the way you see fit and are not afraid to pursue personal happiness.

It is about looking at that person in the mirror and having true respect for who you see.

It is important to note a couple of key parameters before we look at how to be true to yourself. The first is that the target is always moving because you will not remain the same since you are always learning and growing. Because of that your values and beliefs may change, making the choice to be true to yourself a life-long endeavor. That requires an ongoing commitment to truly maintaining that harmony between who you really are and what you choose to do. The second parameter is that you cannot have values that put others in danger, violate known laws, or force behavior outside your faith or spiritual foundation.

"Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established." 

-Proverbs 4:26 KJV

Before you can attempt to align your actions with your values and beliefs you must decide for yourself what exactly those values and beliefs are. It is impossible to match up your thoughts and actions with your values and beliefs if YOU don't know what they are.

Take a personal inventory and determine what is most important to you. There is no right or wrong or universal view to conform to. What do you feel is important? It is a deeply personal choice. Brainstorm and write down what those things are without overthinking or judgment, and you may be surprised where it leads you.

Here are a few things people often name as important in their lives that may jumpstart your list:

  • Faith and Spirituality
  • Self-Improvement
  • Friends
  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Family
  • Environment
  • Career
  • Health
  • Volunteering and Giving Back 
  • Personal Legacy

Be honest with yourself as you write your list. Nobody else in the world is more qualified to make this manifest than you. Your items may be largely different than your best friend's or closest family member's. That is okay. This is about being true to YOU.

"Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it'll always get you the right ones." 

-John Lennon

You need to take a moment and reflect and get to know the most about the one person you spend the most time with on this planet: YOURSELF. 

Now that we've examined ourselves thoroughly and better understand what is important to our existence, we can use some key strategies to live in harmony with those core values and beliefs.


1. To Thine Own Self Be True

  • Resist the world's or others' attempts to conform you to their ways.
  • In a universe that allows you to be anything at all, be yourself.
  • Say NO. If saying yes places you in conflict with your values, decline.
  • Listen to yourself. You know you best. Respect those feelings.
  • Welcome growth. Your beliefs today may be different than 5 years ago. That's okay.
  • Choose not to prioritize pleasing other people.
  • Determine each day to be mindful and start your day in a positive way

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
-Winston Churchill

2. Be Happy
  • Choose to do things that make you happy. Make time for yourself
  • Live life grateful. Be thankful for what you do have, not what you want
  • Focus on seeing the good in life. It's there. You just have to find it
  • Don't take life too seriously. Hit a rough patch? Move on.
  • Connect with others that share the same core beliefs and values.
  • Make time for play.

"If there's any definition to being perfect, you're perfect at being yourself." 

3. Commit To Change
  • Every so often, check your list and be willing to let go of things that aren't relevant.
  • Continue to work towards your goals but be willing to change those goals as needed.
  • Be willing to accept the new you without regretting the old you.
  • Move on from those that don't accept the true you.
  • Make personal growth a conscious decision.

"If you want to be original just try being yourself, because God has never made two people exactly alike." 
-Bernard Meltzer

4. Realign
  • Regularly confirm that thoughts and actions line up with your values and beliefs
  • Reaffirm your willingness to match what you say and do to those core desires.
  • Focus on the present without stumbling over the past and fearing the future
  • Believe in yourself and stay on track with what's really important to you.
  • Be honest in your evaluation. Trying to fool YOU only leads to failure.
  • Take joy in your growing strength and confidence

"You change the world by being yourself." 
-Yoko Ono

A Few Signs You've Learned To Be True
  • You are able to speak your mind freely and honestly
  • You set boundaries by saying no when you don't want to say yes
  • It's not necessary that everyone likes you. YOU like YOU.
  • You are honest with yourself which lets you be honest with others
  • You trust your own values vs. those that society may impose

There is only one YOU and only one LIFE for you to live. There are no do-overs. Make it a point to be true to who you are and live the best life possible. Happiness is a choice. Deciding to make the most of the life you want to live is a choice. 

Nobody will do it for you.

It's up to you!
